Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Sadie Hawkins Day!

Do You Have Anything Past Due? - To ensure that your Club receives all future event stamps, please submit to AVA Headquarters any past due reports of any nature (including participation reports, officer updates, financial reports, etc.) stamps and monies owed.

TAW DeadlineThe June/July issue of The American Wanderer deadline is April 25.  All articles and photographs should be submitted directly to Laurel Parrott, Editor or by "snail mail" to: 3526 Humboldt Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55412. Be sure to include "TAW" in the subject line if emailing.
NEC MeetingThe next AVA NEC Meeting will be held in Orlando, Florida, on July 6 to 7, 2012. The NEC Meeting following that will be held in Schertz, Texas, on January 18 to 19, 2013.  AVA Headquarters will provide more details once available.
E-Postcard Information – Worth Repeating -  The good news is that many of South Central Region Clubs have properly filed e-postcards and maintained their non-profit status. During the weekend of January 28 & 29, 2012, Gus Glaser, a recently-retired IRS tax attorney specializing in non-profit organizations, researched each AVA Club by tax ID number to determine which Clubs were in compliance, those not in compliance, and other issues relating to our tax status.  AVA is very fortunate to have such a professional willing to volunteer in this effort. Below is a summary of what Gus found.

Many Clubs are in compliance but have not sent proof of compliance to AVA, so AVA’s records show these clubs as not being in compliance.

 When filing the e-postcard, some Clubs are not putting the Club name in the portion of the e-postcard called dba.  Instead e-postcards are being filed with an individual’s name or no name at all.  Often the Club address is not used, which causes the Club name and address not to be in the IRS data base, therefore not in compliance.

Clubs are not filing using the proper legal name of the Club. The proper name for a Club is the name the Club used when receiving their tax ID number. Many e-postcards have been filed under a Club’s tax ID number using various versions of a Club name or no name, causing non-compliance.

Clubs have intermittently filed one year then skipped years, causing the IRS to revoke their non-profit status.

WHAT YOUR CLUB NEEDS TO DO RIGHT NOW:If your club has filed the e-postcards, you must send the proof for each year you filed since 2007 to AVA Headquarters immediately; every AVA Club is required by the IRS to be in compliance, but the IRS does not notify AVA when you file. If the IRS has revoked your Club’s status and you did file e-postcards as required, AVA will take this up with the IRS on behalf of your Club once we have proof from you that you filed.
If you are dealing with the IRS now because your Club has already had it's non-profit status revoked because you did not file as required, you need to send copies of any documents you have sent to the IRS for proof to AVA that you are working to have your status reinstated. A form 1023 has to be filed with the IRS along with a filing fee of $100.00. The form 1023 and instructions can be found on the web site. Seek out someone in your Club or a professional who can help you submit the necessary forms.  See the IRS document, "AUTOMATIC REVOCATION OF TAX-EXEMPT STATUS," a copy of which is attached to the March Checkpoint  or can be obtained from me.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

You Would Think It Was February Out There - It's COLD!!!!!

HOLY FAMILY WALKERS, LAWTON, OKLAHOMAIf you haven't already, you should access the AVA Website, view the color photo on the webpage, and read briefly about the program George and Sharon Snyder and participating Club Members have established for ISD (International Student Division) officers and their families, stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for training.  Walking is now among the social activities in which officer students from a number of countries get to share while in the United States.  Good work and good diplomacy Holy Family Walkers!

TAW APRIL/MAY ISSUE DEADLINE - The deadline for the April/May issue of The American Wanderer is Saturday, February 25. If you know of anyone who should be writing for this issue pass this on to them. Remember, when submitting articles to put TAW and your region in the email subject line.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012


     It is already February!  So much has happened in January that (1) I haven't posted to this communication tool, and (2) a significant amount of information waits to be communicated to you.  Let me then get started passing on some of that information:

 AVA CHECKPOINT ARTICLE - IRS E-POSTCARD ACTION - All AVA Club Members should be aware of and become familiar with the IRS annual reporting requirements for non-profit organizations.  Take the time to peruse the Checkpoint Article and attachment on this subject; it is vitally important to your Club and, ultimately, to the AVA and to YOU!  If you have any questions after reading the subject Checkpoint Article, please feel free to contact me at

TAW DEADLINE - The April/May issue of The American Wanderer articles/photographs deadline is February 25th.  Submissions should be made to Laurel Parrott, TAW Editor at 3526 Humboldt Ave. North, Minneapolis, MN 55412 or by e-mail at  Be sure to include "TAW" in the subject line if e-mailing.

NEW AVA MARKETING DIRECTOR -  Welcome Chuck Blische, the new AVA Marketing Director, whose job is fundraising, public relations, and marketing.  Chuck's first day at AVA National HQ was Monday, January 30th.  His e-mail address is

NEC MEETINGS - The next AVA NEC Meeting will be in Orlando, Florida, on July 6 - 7, 2012.  The following AVA NEC Meeting is scheduled for January 18 - 19, 2013.
