Friday, August 5, 2011

. . . And This is Just the First Week of August!

Download new_small...bmp (91.4 KB)

October is National Volkssporting Month Clubs remember that if you are hosting an event in October, the AVA has the NVM Patch available for purchase.  Clubs may copy and use the following form is to order NVM Patches.  The form is also available as an attachment to the August Checkpoint.

2011 National Volkssporting Month
Patch design courtesy of Dorm Batson, Northwest Region

October is National Volkssporting Month. Below is a copy of the 100% embroidered patch. If your club is hosting an event during the month of October and would like to order the patches, please fill out and return the order blank below.  We need to receive the order at least 30 days prior to your event date. Orders will be filled on a first come first filled basis.

Mail form to AVA, 1001 Pat Booker Rd, Suite 101, Universal City, TX 78148, or fax form to 210-659-1212. You may also place your order by email at Be sure to include all information requested below.
AVA Club Name and AVA Number
Street Address (for mailing the patches)
City/State/Zip Code
Person to contact for questions/problem Telephone Number (please include area code)
Email Address
Please reserve _________ patches for our event(s) to be held on ______________________________
Your club may place reorders on a first come first served basis until supply is exhausted.

I understand that our club account will be billed $2.00 each for these patches (20% discount does not apply). I further understand that there are no returns or refunds for unused patches. No shipping charges apply.

Printed Name Signature Date
( ) Please bill my club ( ) Payment enclosed Amount $ ________________
Please charge my:( )Visa ( )Mastercard ( )Discover ( )AmericanExpress ( )DinersClub ( )CarteBlanche
Exp. Date:_________________


Submitting late "Traditional" ESRsIf submitted less than 90 days prior to your Traditional Event, please contact the SCRD, Ken Miles, AND the Headquarters Events Coordinator, Marie Bebley, at Reports are run to assign Traditional Event stamps and if your Event is submitted late and misses that report, your Club will not receive an automatic event stamp. Clubs that do not contact the AVA in time for regular mailing will be charged the UPS fee to get the stamp to them in time.


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