Tuesday, September 6, 2011


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Tell Us Where You Walked on Labor Day Weekend  -  An exciting, a beautiful, a special event?  Jot down and post a comment concerning it for us.  Feel free to point out what was unusual and good about an event, but don't be afraid to tell us what disturbed you.  Perhaps you have some recommendations that could help improve a YRE.  Your ideas could result in preventing the "failure" and cancellation of that event.   If you chose to post a comment, you recognize that it is subject to being edited for form or content.

     It is encouraging to see that other RD's on the AVA NEC have taken up the goal of communications with and keeping the volkssporters in their Regions informed.  Recognizing that, I have read a few of those communications recently.  The following information, important also to volkssporters in the South Central Region, has been plagiarized from the Southwest Region Director's "News and Views":

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Two actions destined to assist the [new AVA] Director of Marketing:

In response to a request by Bob Morrison, the president directed the IT committee chair to recruit the committee members for approval and appointment and [to] develop a proposal for a pass-word protected section of the AVA website for Associate [and Lifetime] Members with an implementation plan for consideration at the NEC meeting in January.

In response to another request by Bob Morrison, the president directed the Publicity committee chair to recruit the committee members for approval and appointment and [to] study the concept of a speaker bureau with “Volkssporters reaching out in their communities with an enthusiastic, well organized, professionally designed message about our sport”.

.   .   .   .

[Having given much of his "News and Views" to reporting on the recent NEC Training and Meeting at Schertz, Texas, Bill Hamilton, South West RD, closed with  .  .  .  ]

In conclusion, I was convinced that one of my primary personal goals for the NEC was off to a grand start, with no credit to me and much to our new national officers.  I would characterize the atmosphere of the gathering, in session and out, with four alliterative adjectives – courteous, congenial, conscientious and cooperative.  Halleluiah!

[I could not agree more with Bill; the EC/NEC Meetings that were the subject of his communication were, in fact, very beneficial for those of us who participated, but more, they served to benefit the AVA.  I feel strongly that the AVA can look forward to overcoming all of its past shortfalls and to a strong move into the future!]

            Kenneth G. ("Ken") Miles
            AVA South Central Region Director

            3613 East 55th Street
  Tulsa, OK  74135-3811
   Tele:  918.745.0212

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