Wednesday, November 16, 2011

SC Region Has Gotten COOLER!!!!!

NOVEMBER 15th REPORTS - Alot of work went into complying with the AVA requirements for rendering Officer and Financial Reports and for providing copies of E-Postcards, but South Central Region Clubs came through again!  Of the nine (9) AVA Regions, ours had the fewest listed with any item deficient.  Three Cubs were reported to have an item (one each) late.  I am sending a copy of the AVA HQ Report by separate message to each of them.  In all, WELL DONE SC Region!

 JACKIE WILSON HOSPITALIZED - Jackie was hospitalized with pneumonia about one week ago at the San Antonio Military Medical Center (new name for Brooke Army Medical Center). The medical staff found that her kidneys had completely shut down and she was having heart failure and it was a very, very tenuious situation, particularly for a patient with Amyloidosis. She is now undergoing blood dialysis. The plan is to transition her to peritoneal dialysis which is the type that can be done at home and then to release her to go home.


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