Wednesday, July 25, 2012


PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH - If you haven't ever been there, you should be developing the connections that will allow you to visit and enjoy the Philmont Scout Ranch, near Cimarron, New Mexico, at the east base of the Rocky Mountains.  The scenery is absolutely gorgeous and the camp staff maintains everything so well and so clean that it is certainly like a luxury vacation, while incidently attending Scouting Leadership Courses.  Judy and I only returned from Philmont on Sunday evening.  I am currently planning to depart for East Lansing, Michigan (Michigan State University), for the Boy Scout's National Order of the Arrow Conference starting on Saturday, July 28th, and lasting until Saturday, August 4th.

JULY 1st – NOVEMBER 15th DUE DATE FOR E-POSTCARDS, FINANCIAL REPORTS AND OFFICER UPDATES An IRC Form 990 is the IRS income tax form for nonprofits.  Proof of E-postcards and other 990 forms filed, Financial Reports and Officer Updates must be received at AVA HQ no later than November 15, 2012.  After November 15th  these reports are past due and a Club will be assessed a $10.00 late fee.

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYLeaving at 3:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 26th, for East Lansing, Michigan, and the BSA National Order of the Arrow Conference at Michigan State University.  Over 4000 attendees are expected to attend a full week of classes, competitions, exhibits, demonstrations, and carnivals celebrating Boy Scouting and its national honors arm, the Order of the Arrow.

     I'll be back to the Great South Central Region on Tuesday, August 7th.  Keep up the AVA Spirit for me!

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Did You Know Its Summer?

BE COURTEOUS RECEIVERS OF GIFTS -  Does your Club provide receipts for tax-deductible donations?  A Regional Director asked this question during a recent NEC, "the last word on deductable donations I recall is that one must receive a receipt from the gifted organization in order to deduct the donation – even a cancelled check doesn’t qualify. If this is true, it’s 'Let the giver beware' is it not?  Tell me who actually gives receipts for tax-deductible donations?"

I'M OUT AGAINYour RD (me) will again be out of service, this time (from Saturday, July 14th) until August 8th, as I will be at Philmont Scout Ranch, NM, for a week and then at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, for the NOAC (National [Boy Scouts] Order of the Arrow Conference).  At the first location I will be receiving training while at the second, I will be on the training staff.

TAW DEADLINEThe deadline for the Oct./Nov. issue of The American Wan-derer is August 25th. All articles, including Tails on the Trails, and photographs should be submitted directly to Laurel Parrott, Editor or mail to 3526 Humboldt Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55412. Be sure to include "TAW" in the subject line if emailing.

STARTING POINT 2013 PRE-ORDER DEADLINE EXTEN-DED TO AUGUST 1  -  Orders for the Starting Point 2013 cannot be accepted after August 1, 2012. Pre-Order form on the AVA Website under the Publica-tions-Forms link, at AVA Club Forms.

In Volkssporting,

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director


Tuesday, July 3, 2012



Please share this with anyone who's had active duty service between January 1957 to December 31, 2001 and planning for retirement. In a nutshell it boils down to this:
You qualify for a higher social security payment because of your Military service for active duty any time from 1957 through 2001 (the program was done away with 1 January 2002). Up to $1200 per year of earnings credit credited at time of application - which can make a substantial difference in social security monthly payments upon your retirement. You must bring your DD 214 to the Social Security Office and you must ask for this benefit to receive it!
            This is something to put in your files for when you apply for Social Security down the road.  It is NOT just for retirees, BUT anyone who has served on active duty between January 1957 to December 31, 2001.
REMEMBER, this benefit is not automatic, you must ask for it! We've all been on active duty between 1957 and 2001 or know someone who has.
Passing on good information for all you military folks when you apply for social security. I know this may be too early for some of you to think about Social Ssecurity but, keep living and you will get there...
Alison J. Brown/Financial Coordinator
Saint Leo University/Langley Center

REMINDER TO CLUBS - MAIL YOUR $50 ANNUAL DUES TO  THE AVA -  Regular Member Clubs pay annual dues to the AVA on or before July 1 of each year. A Club that has not paid its annual dues by September 1 will be assessed a late fee. A Club that has not paid its annual dues plus the late fee by October 1 will be considered “not in good standing."

TAW DEADLINE -   The  deadline  for  the  October/November  issue  of  The
American Wanderer is August 25th. All articles, including Tails on the Trails and photographs should be submitted directly to Laurel Parrott, Editor or mailed to: 3526 Humboldt Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55412.  Be sure to include "TAW" in the subject line if emailing.

JULY 1st TO NOVEMBER 15th IS THE DUE DATE FOR E-POSTCARDS, OTHER 990s, CLUB FINANCIAL REPORTS AND OFFICER UPDATES  A 990 is the IRS income tax form for nonprofits. Proof of filing of E-postcards and other 990 forms, together with Club Financial Reports and Officer Updates must be received at the AVA  Headquarters no later than November 15, 2012.  After November 15th these reports become past due and a Club will be assessed a $10 late fee.

In Volkssporting,

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director
