Thursday, July 12, 2012

Did You Know Its Summer?

BE COURTEOUS RECEIVERS OF GIFTS -  Does your Club provide receipts for tax-deductible donations?  A Regional Director asked this question during a recent NEC, "the last word on deductable donations I recall is that one must receive a receipt from the gifted organization in order to deduct the donation – even a cancelled check doesn’t qualify. If this is true, it’s 'Let the giver beware' is it not?  Tell me who actually gives receipts for tax-deductible donations?"

I'M OUT AGAINYour RD (me) will again be out of service, this time (from Saturday, July 14th) until August 8th, as I will be at Philmont Scout Ranch, NM, for a week and then at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, for the NOAC (National [Boy Scouts] Order of the Arrow Conference).  At the first location I will be receiving training while at the second, I will be on the training staff.

TAW DEADLINEThe deadline for the Oct./Nov. issue of The American Wan-derer is August 25th. All articles, including Tails on the Trails, and photographs should be submitted directly to Laurel Parrott, Editor or mail to 3526 Humboldt Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55412. Be sure to include "TAW" in the subject line if emailing.

STARTING POINT 2013 PRE-ORDER DEADLINE EXTEN-DED TO AUGUST 1  -  Orders for the Starting Point 2013 cannot be accepted after August 1, 2012. Pre-Order form on the AVA Website under the Publica-tions-Forms link, at AVA Club Forms.

In Volkssporting,

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director


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