Monday, July 11, 2011

AVA South Central Region Volkssporters, This is The Site

     After researching the information provided to me on the facility of communicating (often two-way) via websites versus blogspots and even bulletin boards, I made the decision that I could best fulfill my own desire to keep Volkssporters in the AVA's South Central Region informed, allow for direct responses to most of those communications, and provided what I hope is an appropriate degree of site security by employing the use of a blogspot (or what I like to call a "Blog").  

     I intend to continue to communicate with Clubs via the E-Mail site that I have established for that purpose,, and fully intend to use the great example that Glen Conyers provided for me, to get out and see each Club at both Club Events and Meetings.  Hand-in-hand with that goal is one to meet and personally greet every Volkssporter!  I hope to see you and say THANKS! really soon!


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