Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Not Alot But Important for Planning 2012!

     The Chickasha, Oklahoma, Festival of Lights Walk was gorgeous; the weather was unseasonably mild and the lights were like every year - gorgeous!  Thanks to the Wandergruppe Walking Club for your fine hospitality and great chili and cornbread selection - Yummmm!

     Although it had rained Sunday afternoon, it stopped for the Christmas Lights Night Volksmarch in Wichita, Kansas.  It is easy to see why the venue for that walk has been selected - plenty of Christmas lights and other decorations in clean, well-maintained neighborhoods comprised of traditional two-story homes.  Couple all of that with the Christmas celebration activities at East Heights United Methodist Church and it resultd in an event one should not miss!

     Now start planning to attend these Christmas Lights Walks in 2012.  You might take a group from your Club and make it a weekend adventure.  One thing is certain - you will enjoy the spirit of the season.  MERRY CHRISTMAS! 



1 comment:

  1. Would love to make the Wichita Christmas Lights walks, but need to be at work at 6am on Monday morning makes it difficult with a 4 hour drive.
