Friday, August 10, 2012

Home to 105+ Degrees

UPON MY RETURN:  -  I confess, central Michigan had high temperatures FAR more tolerable than those I experienced in Oklahoma either before leaving or upon returning from Micigan State University; oh for highs of eighty degrees!

Regional Director Elections 2013-2015:
Note – Here is a copy of the primary notification of the requirements and procedures to be followed by those individuals who might be considering seeking the office of Director of the South Central Region for NEC XVIII.   The Directors names will be announced during the final meeting session at the National Convention in Florida and will assume office on July 1, 2012. 
This is a reminder about the election procedures for Regional Directors for the 2013-2015 term of office. The guidelines are specifically outlined in paragraph 6.6 of the AVA Bylaws and are as follows:
1) Nominating Committee.  It shall be appointed at least nine months prior to the regular membership meeting. The next meeting is set for Wednesday/1 May 2013. Thus, the committee needs to be appointed NLT 1 August 2012.
            2) Elections. They cannot be held earlier than 90 days prior to the next regularly scheduled AVA membership meeting. Again, this is 1 May 2013. Thus, the first day for elections cannot begin before 31 January 2013.
3) Election System.  This is by ballot of Club in the Region and the election is determined exclusively by the Region.  It can be done at a regular membership meeting, special meeting or by mail ballot, which includes email.  See paragraph 6.6 (d) of the AVA Bylaws.
4) Election Results. The results need to be delivered to the AVA Secretary at the regular membership meeting on 1 May 2013.
5) Article in The American Wanderer (TAW). A newly elected Regional Director is entitled to one complimentary bio article and one photograph in TAW. Because of the 90-day RD election restriction, the earliest edition for RD material will be the April-May 2013 TAW. This edition will be printed and released o/a 15 March 2013.
- The article material/photograph is due NLT 25 February 2013.
- The article should focus on what the selectee wants to accomplish in office and should NOT be written in resume style.
- It must be limited to 500 words.
- It needs to sent by email directly to the Editor: Laurel Parrott [].
6) Note #1. If an RD election is not held before 25 February, the bio article and photo will be placed in the June-July 2013 issue of TAW. This edition will be released o/a 15 May 2013.
7) Note #2. The February-March 2013 edition of TAW will contain bio data and photo of ONLY the officer candidates for office.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

            Heinz Johnson, AVA President

2013 National Nominating Committee: The 2013 National Nominating Committee is being chaired by Glen Conyers of Joplin, MO. His committee members are: Linda Nyman, Colorado Springs, CO; Joseph Piffat, Danvers, MA; Dan Peters, Lennox, SD; and Lucy Yother, Leavenworth, KS. The formation of this committee was approved at the recent NEC meeting in Orlando, Florida and applies to AVA officer candidates only.
Nominations for officer candidates for NEC XVIII are now open. This is for the office of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and their term of office begins on 1 July 2013 and ends on 30 June 2015. The elections will take place at the 18th AVA Biennial Convention in Orlando, Florida on 3 May 2013.
Nomination letters (expressing an interest in becoming a candidate for office) will be accepted until midnight of Friday, 16 November 2012. Since the Nominating Chair travels a little bit, an e-mail "heads-up" is requested to the Nominating Chair that he will be receiving your notice to run, but "hard copy" letter of your intent MUST BE sent to:

Glen Conyers
PO Box 3191
Joplin, MO 64803
Each nomination will be acknowledged electronically and each nominee will be sent Officer Candidate Guidelines for submitting their "nomination package" article for The American Wanderer plus photo and campaign information.
The deadline for the nomination package is 30 November and it must be sent electronically (not mailed); thus, it is advisable that a nomination package be prepared and sent well ahead of time.
For additional information, feel free to contact Glen at or you can call him at 417.434.0977.
KenKen Miles
AVA SC Region Director


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