Monday, October 31, 2011


Deadline November 15, 2011All Clubs must have these documents submitted by the November 15, 2011,  deadline:
  • E-Postcard IRS 990-N 
  • Club Officer Updates (update electronically through Club Maintenance site)
  • Club Annual Financial Report and Worksheet - submit both pages.
Call for Agenda Items  -   Per the October Checkpoint newsletter, the form that Clubs are required to submit to their RD for agenda items was enclosed and Clubs were informed of the submission deadline of Monday, November 21.  A copy of that is below.  An email was sent October 12, along with the form/format which Regional Directors must use to submit an agenda item for official consideration at the January board meeting.  Please remember that the deadline for submission of those agenda items to Headquarters is Wednesday, December 7. All AVA Officer and AVA Committee reports are to be submitted to Headquarters no later than Wednesday, December 21. The next NEC meeting will be held at Fairfield Inn & Suites, 5008 Corridor Loop Road, Schertz, Texas, 78154, January 2012, on Friday evening (20), Saturday (21), and Sunday morning (22), if necessary.

AVA Club Proposed Agenda Item Suggestion
Submit to your Regional Director by Monday, November 21, 2011

Proposed Motion –

We move that:

Summary of Proposed Action:

Submitted by:

Seconded by:

From our AVA family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving to all!  AVA Headquarters will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday, November 24, and Friday, November 25. 


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Only SC Region Blog This Week

. . . And now I'm being asked, "If there is only one SC Region Blog this week, does that make it more valuable?"  Lol! 

TAW Deadline -  The submissions deadline for the February/March issue of The American Wanderer is December 25th. All articles and photographs should be submitted directly to Laurel Parrott, Editor, or mailed to: 3526 Humboldt Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55412. Be sure to include "TAW" in the subject line if emailing.

Change of Addresses for TAW Distribution - Individual Associate Members (current residence), and Clubs (official club addresses), please remember that if your address has changed, you must update your mailing information by the 24th day of the month in order to receive the nex issue of The American Wanderer.  Otherwise, the USPS will return your issue to AVA and charge $0.50 postage for each undeliverable newspaper.  Clubs please go online and, if approprite, update your official club address. Individuals contact Linda Rebmann at if your address has changed. 

Winners of the 2012 Starting Point Photo Contest -  Winners were selected by the NEC XVII at its August Meeting. Winner Front Cover Photo: Starvation Creek Walk, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon;  "Walking in the Rain" submitted by Doris Simon, Volkssport Associate Member of Philadelphia, PA and Club Treasurer of the Liberty Bell Wanderers in Ambler, PA.   Winner Back Cover Photo: Grand Canyon National Park, South Rim, Arizona, walking event Tucson Volkssport Klub "Discovering America the AVA Way" submitted by Qeldas Pickett, Volkssport Associate Member of Santa Rosa, California.  Both winners will receive a complimentary copy of the Starting Point 2012.

Contact Your Club President First  -  The AVA HQ Staff has asked that we remind all volkssporters to contact their Club President (if a Cub Member) first, then their State Association, if one,  then the Regional Director, for any questions or problems.  By doing this, we will all learn more directly how to help one another. 


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Free Walkers"

"FREE WALKERS" OR NO "FREE WALKERS"? -  A low-key debate has surfaced in most AVA circles during the past couple of years about "Free Walkers."  Can we charge them, can we prohibit them from walking if they refuse to pay, should a donation be sought in lieu of an event fee, or must we continue to allow them to walk at no charge?  Before launching into explanations and justifications, let me explain that the AVA has no firm policy on this subject; it is to be addressed by individual Clubs based upon Club and local policies and laws.  The time and effort devoted to this short piece is solely my own and does not stand for any position taken by the AVA NEC or any of its members, nor is it the policy of any given Club in the South Central or any other Region of the AVA.  I was requested by a volkssporter with whom I walked and discussed the issue to make my position known to the AVA in general, because he noted that it is a fresh view about which most people are not aware. 

     Essentially, I realize and take the position that the AVA and its Clubs do have expenses for "Free Walkers" that are lost or must be spread elsewhere; perhaps the most significant of those expenses is insurance coverage, but certainly the administrative expenses of event planning and conduct must also be considered.  Being an attorney, I point out, however, that Clubs cannot charge the "Free Walker" even to recover his/her incremental share of insurance and administrative costs if the walk route of an event transits only public property (public sidewalks, streets, parks, etc.).  Unless you can persuade the local authorities to block access to a portion of that otherwise public route, you cannot charge someone to walk what they could otherwise walk for free.  The question that might arise is "[w]hat are you going to do if I refuse to pay?"  My answer to that is that you (the Club Member seeking payment) are going to make a fool of yourself and be seen as such by the public-at-large; don't go there!  You can certainly ask a small charge for a route map and start card, but see if you get it.

     On the other hand, your Club has every right to refuse "Free Walkers" and to charge a fee for walking routes that transit private or restricted-access property for any distance.  Make the distance significant, not merely across a parking lot at a street corner.  Likewise, guarantee that you have written permission to use that private property route.  In obtaining that permission you might assure that its owner is provided a copy of the AVA insurance certificate (if you need additional documentation, contact me well in advance of your event) and, if your Club or its sponsor is an IRC 501C(3) organization, provide them a Thank You Letter and simple estimate of the value to you for their "tax-exempt donation."  

     I realize that even at the length here set forth, this piece appears to most like a tome.  If you have questions or comments about it, however, please feel free to contact me at the address(s) or telephone number(s) set out on the AVA Leadership Page on the AVA Website.   

     Good Luck With "Free Walkers",


Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Called Volkssporting!

MILES 'n' MISSOURI -  You will see those words more frequently during the balance of 2011 and into 2012.  That is the tag-line for the multi-event weekend being sponsored by six Volkssporting Clubs from three states (the Clay-Platte Trackers of Kansas City, MO, the Dogwood Trailblazers, Joplin, MO, the Illinois Trekkers of Belleville, IL, the Pace Setter Volkssport Club of Lee's Summit, MO, the St. Louis - Stuttgart Volksmarch Club, St. Louis, MO, and the World Wide Walkers, Tulsa, OK)  in the Boonville and Rocheport area of central Missouri on Saturday, May 26, Sunday, May 27, & Monday, May 28, 2012.  Nine total events (5 walks, 3 swims, & 1 bike) in three days, sponsored by six clubs from 3 states has garnered the interest of most AVA NEC Members and by all estimates at least six of them (that's six SNOB Stamps) will be there.  It's time that you, too, block out those dates on your calendar and seriously plan to participate in Miles 'n' Missouri!

100 Actions to Better Your Club
Increasing Fun = Increasing Membership

Club Activities
Reward Members Fun, Fun, Fun
Encourage Volunteers to Use the Media
Attitude – The Be Positive Network
Try New Things
Energize Events

Club Activities
1. Hold monthly club meetings.
2. Minimize the business at meetings; Maximize the social aspect.
3. In warm months, hold outdoor potluck/brown bag meetings and do a walk.
4. Invite speakers to club meetings.
5. Give new members a ‘nice’ nametag when they complete at least three club activities,
i.e. working at an event, attending a meeting, hosting a YRE.
6. Wear your nametags at every club function.
7. Develop an annual schedule of club events. Include monthly meetings, club walks or
your own YREs, road trips to other events, workers walks and test walks of next
year’s walk routes, club picnics, etc.
8. Change officers rather than continue with the same person in office for many years.
Changes in officers can lead to fresh viewpoints and a variety of alternative ideas for
events. One indication of club health could be the number of former officers in your
9. Hold a club picnic and invite the clubs from the north, south, east and west of you. Get
to know your neighbors.
10. Ask a regular member to meet and greet guests at meetings, learn a little about them
and introduce each guest during the club meeting.
11. Plan a group road trip to another club’s event. It might be fun for the day or even for a
12. Hold an annual picnic for members, families and guests. Have the club buy the
13. Do something with all those ‘B’ awards. Give them to kids under 12 who complete a
volkswalk. Or donate them to the Special Olympics.
14. Hold an annual survey among members to determine favorite walks held by clubs
other than your own. Create a ‘best walk’ certificate and send it to the winning clubs.
15. Design a club pin. Wear it often.
16. Display your patches and pins at events and club meetings.
17. Always invite guests to every meeting.

Reward Members
19. Recognize member’s Volkssport achievements in the club newsletter and in club
20. Give ‘pats on the back’ for member contributions, both verbally and in the newsletter
(officers in particular should do this).
21. If you have left over New Balance giveaways from your last event, give them to new
members and guests at meetings.
22. Give a small door prize at each meeting.
23. Involve new members by finding out what they like to do and giving them the
opportunity. Involve them, but don’t overwhelm them.
24. Reward the members who are always there at events and meetings. Give a
club T-shirt award for each member that walked all the club’s walks in one calendar
year or attended all your events including meetings, etc.
25. Buy each member that participates in three events – meetings, walks, etc. – a NICE
26. Give a club certificate or award to the club member who walked the most club events
during the calendar year.
27. Recognize the club’s ‘idea people’. Give them the ‘sparkplug’ award.
28. Make it a point to share positive comments from other clubs and nonmembers at
meetings or in your newsletter.
29. Make it ‘fun’ for members to get involved.

Encourage Volunteers
30. Create a volunteer position for Club Historian. Find the person who loves to create scrapbooks and ask them to organize club event brochures, awards and photos into a club
31. Ask for a volunteer to act as Club Photographer. Ask them to use their judgment in
creating a photo record of club events. Have the club pay for film and processing.
32. Make it easy for members to volunteer. Ask them what they want to do.
33. Treat prospective members like they are important, ‘cause they are.
34. Frequent praise makes an activity FUN.

Attitude – Be Positive
35. Always be positive.
36. Use courtesy with new people. They are ‘company’.
37. NEVER, EVER say “But that is the way we have always done things.”
38. Delegate but don’t dump.
39. Step down from a job before you get burned out so that you will be there to help your
successor. No one is indispensable. Everyone is important.
40. When a prospective member shows up make sure they are welcome – but don’t push
them to join right away.
41. Take a look at everything that you do. Does it help to attract new members? If not,
how can it be changed to do so?
42. Use your imagination. Think of new themes for old walks.
43. Be flexible and willing to change schedules when members want to do so.
44. Look at everything your club does through new or prospective members’ eyes. If you
can’t, ask new members.
45. When others are negative, refuse to join them. Negative attitudes are infectious. The
good news is that positive attitudes are infectious, too.
46. Tell others about the fun events and fun people in your club. Word of mouth is more
effective than advertising.
47. Focus on having FUN!

Try New Things
48. Conduct a survey of club members to ask them what kind of programs they wish to
have at club meetings.
49. Try an ‘ice cream social’ where the club buys ice cream and the members bring their
favourite topping (sure to keep the meetings short!)
50. Set up a club schedule to walk your own club’s year-round events.
51. Go on road trips as a group to other club’s events.
52. Why not create a ‘walk free card’ to promote your club’s walks.
53. Use Volunteer bucks, given to members for contributions.
54. Certificates – for whatever you can think of.
55. If a new member comes up with an idea, try it! Even if you think it won’t work.
56. Having FUN takes a bit of work and creativity, but it’s worth it!

Energize Events
57. Create a club logo and make/sell club pins and patches.
58. Make it the 4-F’s of Volkssporting – Fun, Fitness, Fellowship and FOOD. Add a
group meal to your walk. For some strange reason, more people show up to walk
when food is involved.
59. Have a new walker review both event brochures and walk directions for correctness
and clarity (during a club walk of your new or revised directions).
60. If possible, have volunteer work slots for Traditional Events last only 2 or 3 hours.
61. At events, try to pair new members with experienced members. The training will
happen naturally.
62. Try to have more than one volunteer at each work station.
63. Wear your vest of patches or pins.
64. When you plan an event, recall what you thought was interesting when you started
volkssports and build excitement into your event.
65. Locate your start point and/or checkpoint where there is a lot of non-volkssport
66. Appoint a “Schmoozer” (the President is frequently a good choice) to talk with
people at the start point. The schmoozer floats around the area, answers questions and
explains what volkssports are while relieving congestion at the start/registration table.
67. Bring back the “A” Award – but be creative with it.
68. Make changes to your year-round routes at least every couple years.
69. Make changes to your traditional event routes to keep them fresh.
70. Any reason why your walk directions can’t be humorous? If you have a hill in your
walk, let the directions compliment the walker for making it up the hill!
71. At your traditional events, schedule an informal group walk with one of your
members who can provide history, local knowledge, or knowledge of flora and fauna
to those interested.
72. Provide local history information in your year-round event walk directions. Add
humor, too. One club in Colorado offers a flower identification book for you to carry
on the walk (on a loan basis) to enhance the walking experience. An Idaho club
identified all the varieties of trees along a walk route. If they can do it, you can do it.
73. Find creative ways to make each of your club’s walks educational.
74. Make events FUN for new walkers.

Fun, Fun, Fun
75. Most Important Rule: HAVE FUN
Use the media
76. Create a regular club newsletter.
77. Create a club web page.
78. Designate a webmaster to control the website. If you can’t find the expertise among
members to make a website, ask your nephews or nieces or ask your high school.
Many computer students get course credit for creating websites. Just ask!
79. Place your club’s annual schedule of events on the website and invite all readers to
80. Set up a club email address and use it.
81. Designate a ‘shepherd’ to assure that emails are answered promptly and referrals
made to others in the club to provide newsletters, directions, car pooling, etc.
82. When you get a request for information from anyone, respond immediately with
interesting information.
83. Answer info requests received by email with email, but also ask if they would like a
free copy of your newsletter by snail mail.
84. Send three consecutive free copies of your newsletter to anyone who requests it. On sending the
third copy, include a “Last Free Issue Notice”.
85. Publish brochures for your events.
86. Distribute your brochures in places there are walkers – not just where there are
87. Make your brochures interesting to non-volkswalkers!
88. If your newspaper has a “What’s Happening” section, make sure you get an entry in –
especially for meetings where you will have interesting speakers.
89. If your newspaper does an article on your club or on volkssports, send at least one
letter to the editor to thank them for the coverage.
90. If you know someone who works for a newspaper, invite them to come to your event
as a reporter. Give them a creative angle to use to tell others about volkssports.
91. If you club covers a large geographic area, ask members to “adopt” the local
newspaper where they live. Provide press releases to members to forward to their
local paper. Publicity often goes to those who create a relationship with their local
92. Identify club members who enjoy public speaking and ask them to explain
volkssports to civic organizations and local government.
93. Set up a booth at your local health fair. Check with your hospital to see if they have
94 Show others how much FUN there is in volkssports.

95. Network with other clubs.
96. Jointly sponsor an event with a neighbor club or have each club hold their own walk,
but route them so that the walker can do two clubs’ walks at the same time.
97. Walk a neighbor club’s event as a group. Let them know you will attend.
98. Invite another club to come walk one of your year-rounds with a group of your
members and have a potluck after. If you get together socially with your neighbors,
why not get together socially with your neighbor Volkssport clubs.
99. When your club walks another clubs’ walk, send them a thank you email or post
card to tell them how much you enjoyed their walk.
100. When you have FUN at another club’s event, make sure to tell them


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mid-October; Jacket Weather?

OFF TO HARRISONVILLE, MO, AND BALDWIN CITY, KSI am departing tomorrow (Thursday) morning for the Harrisonville, Missouri (just south of Kansas City, MO, on US Hwy 71), event on Saturday and the Baldwin City, Kansas (about 10 miles south of Lawrence), event on Sunday .  Actually, I plan to take in a few YREs enroute from Tulsa. 

     Let's get out in this beautiful weather, support the Pace Setters Volkssport Club at Harrisonville and the Sunflower Sod Stompers at Baldwin City.  In Harrisonville we will enjoy a walk that explores downtown and also varies its route, by following a nature trail!  The Baldwin City event is part of the Maple Leaf Festival and will meander through the Festival areas and on the city streets of Baldwin City (which are closed to vehicle traffic during the Festival).

     Check out these events; you will be GLAD you did!  By the way, for you special program junkies, in addition to all of the others that the sponsoring clubs have, the SCRD SNOB Stamp will be available at both Harrisonville and Baldwin City. 

DO YOU WANT A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE ON VOLKSSPORTS? I suggest that you take an opportunity to visit the Canadian Volkssport Federation Website,
