Friday, October 7, 2011

Ist Freitag!

IVV Certification StampsThe AVA has requested that when Clubs return stamps to Headquarters, that they would please use the same envelope in which the stamp was/stamps were received. When a Club returns event stamps in a regular envelope, it costs approximately $0.50 postage due. Sometimes the envelope employed has been destroyed in the routing machine at the USPS and the IVV Certification Stamp becomes lost in transit.

Help For Clubs ModulesThe following 14 help modules for various types of  Club data are found linked on the AVA Webpage under the AVA Clubs Only area, Help For Clubs link can be located at Take a moment to review these helpful tips:

Module                         Title    
8.         Adding Special Events
9.         Requesting Insurance
12.       View Starting Point Listing 

WE CAN DO ANYTHING WITH GOD'S HELPThose of you who know me personally know that I strongly believe that it is only with God's strength and help that I have experienced recovery from a Category I Stroke.  I'm here to praise God, however, for another miracle that He has performed in my life.  Yesterday, October 6th, was my wife, Judy's, BIRTHDAY.  I capitalize that term because it is the 6th BIRTHDAY that she has experienced since being diagnosed with what has been termed "the deadliest form of female cancer there is" (at the time she was diagnosed only 37 women in the U.S. lived with it; all the others had already died); it is Undifferentiated (formerly High Grade) Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma (HGESS).  With God's help Judy has to present survived that scourge and is, as you read this, celebrating on board a train crossing Canada, one of her "Bucket List Items."



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