Thursday, August 30, 2012


I WILL NOT BE A CANDIDATE FOR RD IN 2013 - Notwithstanding that many might try to put a different spin on it, I have agonied for months about whether I should risk continuing to serve you, people whom I deeply respect and love, for another term.  Ironically, it has been communications among members of the AVA's NEC that have made it clear to me that it is a risk that I cannot afford to take; it has become too clear that NEC XVII is inadequately prepared and it members ill-motivated to serve in the best interests of their constituents, of Volkssporters nationwide, and of the AVA.
     I have remained sincerely convinced that, as an attorney, I could bring a more complete understanding to the AVA's many levels of leadership, but have found that that is not among the goals that most NEC XVII members have.  As a professional, held by my profession to performance of representative and service roles at a higher standard, I cannot risk continuing to be part of the governing body of a non-profit entity that would sacrifice the needs of those whom it "serves" for the benefit of the wants of that body.  In short, you, the members of AVA Clubs, and your Clubs, the Members of the AVA, deserve significantly more than most of your National Officers and Directors are willing to sacrifice for you.  I must, therefore, withdraw from active particiption as part of that body.

In Volkssporting,

Ken Miles

Friday, August 17, 2012


     YRESRs -  If you haven't already submitted your Club's ESR(s) for its 2013 YREs, you are about to be cutting it close; the deadline for submission of those ESRs is midnight (2400 hours; 12:00 am) on Friday, August 31st, 2012, less than two weeks hence!  Although a significant number of Clubs in our Region have completed this requirement, some have not!  Should the deadline not be met, your Club risks having its YRE information omitted from The Starting Point 2013 and from the 2013 IVV Event Log.  Inasmuch as I must review and approve every YRESR in the Region, the earlier you file them, the more you spread my workload.    

In Volkssporting,

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director




Friday, August 10, 2012

Home to 105+ Degrees

UPON MY RETURN:  -  I confess, central Michigan had high temperatures FAR more tolerable than those I experienced in Oklahoma either before leaving or upon returning from Micigan State University; oh for highs of eighty degrees!

Regional Director Elections 2013-2015:
Note – Here is a copy of the primary notification of the requirements and procedures to be followed by those individuals who might be considering seeking the office of Director of the South Central Region for NEC XVIII.   The Directors names will be announced during the final meeting session at the National Convention in Florida and will assume office on July 1, 2012. 
This is a reminder about the election procedures for Regional Directors for the 2013-2015 term of office. The guidelines are specifically outlined in paragraph 6.6 of the AVA Bylaws and are as follows:
1) Nominating Committee.  It shall be appointed at least nine months prior to the regular membership meeting. The next meeting is set for Wednesday/1 May 2013. Thus, the committee needs to be appointed NLT 1 August 2012.
            2) Elections. They cannot be held earlier than 90 days prior to the next regularly scheduled AVA membership meeting. Again, this is 1 May 2013. Thus, the first day for elections cannot begin before 31 January 2013.
3) Election System.  This is by ballot of Club in the Region and the election is determined exclusively by the Region.  It can be done at a regular membership meeting, special meeting or by mail ballot, which includes email.  See paragraph 6.6 (d) of the AVA Bylaws.
4) Election Results. The results need to be delivered to the AVA Secretary at the regular membership meeting on 1 May 2013.
5) Article in The American Wanderer (TAW). A newly elected Regional Director is entitled to one complimentary bio article and one photograph in TAW. Because of the 90-day RD election restriction, the earliest edition for RD material will be the April-May 2013 TAW. This edition will be printed and released o/a 15 March 2013.
- The article material/photograph is due NLT 25 February 2013.
- The article should focus on what the selectee wants to accomplish in office and should NOT be written in resume style.
- It must be limited to 500 words.
- It needs to sent by email directly to the Editor: Laurel Parrott [].
6) Note #1. If an RD election is not held before 25 February, the bio article and photo will be placed in the June-July 2013 issue of TAW. This edition will be released o/a 15 May 2013.
7) Note #2. The February-March 2013 edition of TAW will contain bio data and photo of ONLY the officer candidates for office.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

            Heinz Johnson, AVA President

2013 National Nominating Committee: The 2013 National Nominating Committee is being chaired by Glen Conyers of Joplin, MO. His committee members are: Linda Nyman, Colorado Springs, CO; Joseph Piffat, Danvers, MA; Dan Peters, Lennox, SD; and Lucy Yother, Leavenworth, KS. The formation of this committee was approved at the recent NEC meeting in Orlando, Florida and applies to AVA officer candidates only.
Nominations for officer candidates for NEC XVIII are now open. This is for the office of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and their term of office begins on 1 July 2013 and ends on 30 June 2015. The elections will take place at the 18th AVA Biennial Convention in Orlando, Florida on 3 May 2013.
Nomination letters (expressing an interest in becoming a candidate for office) will be accepted until midnight of Friday, 16 November 2012. Since the Nominating Chair travels a little bit, an e-mail "heads-up" is requested to the Nominating Chair that he will be receiving your notice to run, but "hard copy" letter of your intent MUST BE sent to:

Glen Conyers
PO Box 3191
Joplin, MO 64803
Each nomination will be acknowledged electronically and each nominee will be sent Officer Candidate Guidelines for submitting their "nomination package" article for The American Wanderer plus photo and campaign information.
The deadline for the nomination package is 30 November and it must be sent electronically (not mailed); thus, it is advisable that a nomination package be prepared and sent well ahead of time.
For additional information, feel free to contact Glen at or you can call him at 417.434.0977.
KenKen Miles
AVA SC Region Director


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH - If you haven't ever been there, you should be developing the connections that will allow you to visit and enjoy the Philmont Scout Ranch, near Cimarron, New Mexico, at the east base of the Rocky Mountains.  The scenery is absolutely gorgeous and the camp staff maintains everything so well and so clean that it is certainly like a luxury vacation, while incidently attending Scouting Leadership Courses.  Judy and I only returned from Philmont on Sunday evening.  I am currently planning to depart for East Lansing, Michigan (Michigan State University), for the Boy Scout's National Order of the Arrow Conference starting on Saturday, July 28th, and lasting until Saturday, August 4th.

JULY 1st – NOVEMBER 15th DUE DATE FOR E-POSTCARDS, FINANCIAL REPORTS AND OFFICER UPDATES An IRC Form 990 is the IRS income tax form for nonprofits.  Proof of E-postcards and other 990 forms filed, Financial Reports and Officer Updates must be received at AVA HQ no later than November 15, 2012.  After November 15th  these reports are past due and a Club will be assessed a $10.00 late fee.

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYLeaving at 3:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 26th, for East Lansing, Michigan, and the BSA National Order of the Arrow Conference at Michigan State University.  Over 4000 attendees are expected to attend a full week of classes, competitions, exhibits, demonstrations, and carnivals celebrating Boy Scouting and its national honors arm, the Order of the Arrow.

     I'll be back to the Great South Central Region on Tuesday, August 7th.  Keep up the AVA Spirit for me!

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Did You Know Its Summer?

BE COURTEOUS RECEIVERS OF GIFTS -  Does your Club provide receipts for tax-deductible donations?  A Regional Director asked this question during a recent NEC, "the last word on deductable donations I recall is that one must receive a receipt from the gifted organization in order to deduct the donation – even a cancelled check doesn’t qualify. If this is true, it’s 'Let the giver beware' is it not?  Tell me who actually gives receipts for tax-deductible donations?"

I'M OUT AGAINYour RD (me) will again be out of service, this time (from Saturday, July 14th) until August 8th, as I will be at Philmont Scout Ranch, NM, for a week and then at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, for the NOAC (National [Boy Scouts] Order of the Arrow Conference).  At the first location I will be receiving training while at the second, I will be on the training staff.

TAW DEADLINEThe deadline for the Oct./Nov. issue of The American Wan-derer is August 25th. All articles, including Tails on the Trails, and photographs should be submitted directly to Laurel Parrott, Editor or mail to 3526 Humboldt Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55412. Be sure to include "TAW" in the subject line if emailing.

STARTING POINT 2013 PRE-ORDER DEADLINE EXTEN-DED TO AUGUST 1  -  Orders for the Starting Point 2013 cannot be accepted after August 1, 2012. Pre-Order form on the AVA Website under the Publica-tions-Forms link, at AVA Club Forms.

In Volkssporting,

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director


Tuesday, July 3, 2012



Please share this with anyone who's had active duty service between January 1957 to December 31, 2001 and planning for retirement. In a nutshell it boils down to this:
You qualify for a higher social security payment because of your Military service for active duty any time from 1957 through 2001 (the program was done away with 1 January 2002). Up to $1200 per year of earnings credit credited at time of application - which can make a substantial difference in social security monthly payments upon your retirement. You must bring your DD 214 to the Social Security Office and you must ask for this benefit to receive it!
            This is something to put in your files for when you apply for Social Security down the road.  It is NOT just for retirees, BUT anyone who has served on active duty between January 1957 to December 31, 2001.
REMEMBER, this benefit is not automatic, you must ask for it! We've all been on active duty between 1957 and 2001 or know someone who has.
Passing on good information for all you military folks when you apply for social security. I know this may be too early for some of you to think about Social Ssecurity but, keep living and you will get there...
Alison J. Brown/Financial Coordinator
Saint Leo University/Langley Center

REMINDER TO CLUBS - MAIL YOUR $50 ANNUAL DUES TO  THE AVA -  Regular Member Clubs pay annual dues to the AVA on or before July 1 of each year. A Club that has not paid its annual dues by September 1 will be assessed a late fee. A Club that has not paid its annual dues plus the late fee by October 1 will be considered “not in good standing."

TAW DEADLINE -   The  deadline  for  the  October/November  issue  of  The
American Wanderer is August 25th. All articles, including Tails on the Trails and photographs should be submitted directly to Laurel Parrott, Editor or mailed to: 3526 Humboldt Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55412.  Be sure to include "TAW" in the subject line if emailing.

JULY 1st TO NOVEMBER 15th IS THE DUE DATE FOR E-POSTCARDS, OTHER 990s, CLUB FINANCIAL REPORTS AND OFFICER UPDATES  A 990 is the IRS income tax form for nonprofits. Proof of filing of E-postcards and other 990 forms, together with Club Financial Reports and Officer Updates must be received at the AVA  Headquarters no later than November 15, 2012.  After November 15th these reports become past due and a Club will be assessed a $10 late fee.

In Volkssporting,

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Adieu Mon Ami!

AVA OFFICER RESIGNATION - Last Thursday, July 21st, AVA President Heinz Johnson sent the following message to members of AVA NEC VII:
It is with deep regret that I announce the resignation of Marvin Stokes as the Vice President of the American Volkssport Association and Chair of the 18th AVA Biennial Convention. His resignation was effective at Midnight (2400) on 20 June 2012.
Marvin has been diagnosed with a serious health condition: MCI or Mild Cognitive Impairment. His doctors strongly recommended that he get away from those activities that may cause stressful situations which could accelerate the disease.  .  .  .

     Marvin Stokes has been a dedicated and steadfast volunteer with the AVA and a strong and loyal friend. His presence at AVA activities will be sorely missed!

In Volkssporting,

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flag Day!

AVA NEC AGENDA ITEMS - The next AVA NEC Meeting is on July 6th and 7th, 2012, at the Airport Fairfield Inn, Orlando, FL.  Your Club Officers have been provided copies of each of the Agenda Items to be considered by the AVA Officers and Directors during that Meeting.  Some proposals that warrant your consideration are:

1) Raising Club dues  from $50 to $100 annually.

2) Raising individual AVA Associate Membership dues from $25 to $30 and families from $30 to $40 per year.

3) Establishing a national task force to lead AVA in the fight against obesity.
4) The Centurion Club; a program to recognize people who do at least 100 AVA Events in a year.

     What do YOU think about these?  They and other motions will be on the floor, one to get the Starting Point ready as an electronic application that you will be able to download into your iPad, Nook, Kindle, etc for a fee.  Please ask your Club Officers to share information about the NEC Agenda Items that they have been provided and please provide information concerning your opinions, recommendations, etc. to me at or by telephoning me at 918-745-0212 or mailing me at 3613 East 55th Street, Tulsa, OK 74135.

AVA NO LONGER HOSTING CLUB WEBSITES? - Without notice to the Clubs concerned OR the AVA Headquarters, the contractor updating the AVA Website terminated a number of Club Websites hosted by the AVA.  The "excuse" appears to be that the respective website servers are not compatible with the updated programing being installed.  Nevertheless, it is clear that the AVA Headquarters and IT Committee should have been consulted first by this gentleman prior to taking that action. Please advise me if you have any problems as a result of this.

FLAG DAY - Some of you know the significance of Flag Day to me.  Anyone who isn't aware of that should know that on each June 14 during my youth it was Flag Day, to the exclusion of all other events, that got observed and celebrated in my family.  HAPPY FLAG DAY!

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director


Monday, June 11, 2012

A Summertime Celebration in Kansas

CENTRAL KANSAS MULTI-EVENT WEEKEND - The Sunflower Sod Stompers of Topeka, Kansas, are offering 13 events from June 15th through June 17th!  Starting with a memorial walk in Salina, KS (Event 1), on Friday evening (start between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.), the Club will progress on Saturday morning to Lindsborg, KS (Little Sweden, USA), to celebrate in conjunction with the Swedish Midsummer Celebration with a walk (Event 2) and 3 swims (Events 3, 4, & 5).  Late that afternoon (beginning at 4:15 p.m.), the activities continue to McPherson, KS, for another walk (Event 6).  Even later on Saturday (starting at 8:00 p.m.), in Newton, KS, the Club will sponsor a "Get Together" with food and refreshments, and 3 more swims (Events 7, 8, & 9) will follow that (starting at 9:00 p.m.).  Sunday, June 17th, starts at 7:30 a.m. in Newton with a final walk (Event 10), followed by 3 more swims (Events 11, 12, & 13).  COUNT 'EM!  And there are some YREs available in close proximity, if 13 Events in 2 days aren't sufficient to satisfy your volkssporting appetite. 

2013 YREs ELECTRONIC SANCTIONING WINDOW OPENED ON JUNE 1All Year Round and Seasonal Events for 2013 must be submitted for sanctioning between June 1st and August 31st.  All such events should list at minimum a starting point location and beginning and ending dates. The use of "To Be Determined" (TBD) should only be a last resort, as it causes problems for travelers who are unable to plan for the events. 

     Congratulations Dogwood Trailblazers, whose 2013 YRE ESRs have already been submitted and approved!

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director

Thursday, June 7, 2012

And Memorial Day Has Gone

THE MASTERS DEGREEWow!  It has been nearly two weeks since Boonville, Arrow Rock, Rocheport, and Warm Springs Ranch, but with scenery and social activities like that, the weekend will be hard to forget!  Again, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the officers and other members of the Dogwood Trailblazers, the Pace Setters Volkssport Club, the Clay-Platte Trackers, the St. Louis-Stuttgart Volksmarch Club, the Illinois Trekkers, and the World Wide Walkers for a fabulous multi-event weekend!  And another kudo to Deb and Missy!

     As a number of you know, my wife, Judy, and I were immediately off to New York City on Memorial Day to be with our only son, Justin, as he received his Masters Degree (an MPA).  We spent a week and far too much money with him, but it appears to have been worth it.  Occasions like that are very special and this was no exception!  Judy and I only arrived back in South Central Region on Monday, June 4th, and in Tulsa on Wednesday, June 6th.  Consequently, I haven't been boring you with regular blurbs on this blogspot.

     But here come some more  .  .  .  .

CONVENTION ROOM BLOCK RESERVATIONS ARE NOW OPEN Hotel room reservations for the 2013 Biennial Convention can now be made by calling 1.800.380.6751. A reservation form is located on the left side of the AVA Homepage. If you call, be sure to request the AVA convention room block.
The negotiated rate of $99 applies only to the Convention dates, Monday, April 29th thru Friday, May 3, 2013. The overall dates including the pre and post events are April 27th thru May 5th.

Hotel information: Orlando Airport Marriott, 7499 Augusta National Drive, Orlando, Florida 32822-5015.

LOUISIANA CAPITAL WALK The location of the Louisiana State Capital Walk in Baton Rouge has been temporarily changed to New Orleans, Louisiana, effective immediately. This change was necessitated by the inactivation of the volkssport club in Baton Rouge. The Capital City event is now being hosted by the Crescent City Volkssport Club, AVA-473.

The AVA Special Program, Walking the United States: FIFTY-ONE CAPITALS ROGRAM, on the LA line, now can be stamped with the YR076 IVV Certification Stamp. The official event designation is New Orleans – State Capital/French Quarter Walk. Event details are listed in the Starting Point 2012 (page 259) or on the AVA Website. 

For history buffs: New Orleans served as the capital of Louisiana from 1812 – 1849 except for a brief period from 1830 - 1831.

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director

Monday, May 21, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend is Coming!

MILES 'N' MISSOURI - 5 Walks, 3 Swims, and 1 Bike in Central Missouri sponsored by four Missouri Volkssport Clubs (the Clay-Platte Trackers of Kansas City, the Dogwood Trailblazers, the Pace Setters Volkssport Club, and the St. Louis-Stuttgart Volksmarch Club) with the help of the Illinois Trekkers Volkssport Club and the World Wide Walkers, an Oklahoma Club!  Events commence in Boonville, MO, at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday (May 26th) and continue to occur until Monday, May 28th, Memorial Day.  Aside from uniformly beautiful trails and walks and a social event/mixer on Sunday evening at about 6:30 p.m., you will have the opportunity to walk on Warm Springs Ranch, where all of the Budweiser Clydesdales are bred, born and raised.  For additional information about Miles 'n' Missouri contact Missy McBride, Clay-Platte Trackers, @ or Deb Kruep, Illinois Trekkers, @

STARTING POINT 2013 - This year only, pre-orders for clubs and individuals will be accepted and will not be billed until the Starting Point 2013 books arrive. The deadline for pre-orders is no later than midnight Sunday, July 1. The deadline is necessary for the publisher to ensure books will be delivered before Christmas.   All orders will be shipped from the AVA Headquarters. Estimated time of delivery is after Thanksgiving – early December.
2012 South Central Region Round-Up - October 5th-7thMost of you are aware that planning for the 2012 South Central Region Round-Up in the Kansas City (Kansas AND Missouri) area has been underway.  We certainly want to have you attend and to provide you all of the information that you might need to enable that (for any additional information, contact me, Ken Miles, @, Missy McBride, Clay-Platte Trackers, @,  Barb Ramsay, Pace Setters Volkssport Club,  @, or Lucy Yother,  @, but frankly, this blast has an ulterior motive;  IF your Club is considering or might consider sponsoring the 2014 South Central Region Round-Up, please let me know at the earliest opportunity!  

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The State of Two States
THE STATE OF TWO STATES - On Saturday, May 19th, Holy Family Walkers of Lawton, Oklahoma, will be celebrating the "Red River Ramble" with walks in BOTH Oklahoma AND Texas. At Pavilion #2 in the park at Lake Frederick, OK, Saturday morning's event will start (9:00 a.m. to Noon). Lake Frederick is about 50 miles west of Lawton. The AVA South Central Region Director's Stamp will be available at Lake Frederick for all who are or would like to do the SNOB Stamps Program. After completing the Oklahoma leg of the Red River Ramble, head south for about 35 miles and across the Red River to the Holy Family Walkers Texas event, starting (Noon to 3:00 p.m.) at the Chaparral Activities Center, 4400 Augusta Street in Vernon, TX. The AVA South West Region Director's Stamp will be available at Vernon. THANK YOU Holy Family Walkers for taking on the task of providing us events in two states on one weekend!

EVENT STAMP HANDLES - Some AVA Clubs have discovered a new way to be accessed a $15.00 fine by the AVA. They are not protecting the stamp handles. These clubs are writing“Front”, “Back”, or the name of the event on the stamp handles using some type of permanent ink marker or an individual working the Finish Table lays the stamp handle flat on an ink pad and presses down hard, resulting in the stamp handle becoming the same color as the entries in the IVV event /distance books.

To prevent paying a fine of $15.00, just spend a few minutes prior to your event by protecting the stamp handle. Perhaps by wrapping your stamp handle in some type of plastic wrap. Write the name of your event on a paper label which you affix to the front of the stamp handle or to a plastc baggie in which you store the stamp.  This will definitely protect the AVA event stamp handle from damage. Just remember to remove any plastic wrap, paper label and tape that you affix to the stamp prior to returning it to AVA Headquarters.

CLUBS CANNOT CHECK THEIR YEAR-ROUND OR SEASONAL EVENT ROUTES OFTEN ENOUGH - One AVA Region's seasonal walks have had three major changes to the trail directions in the last six weeks.  Seems like the people (walkers?) are replacing or moving signs or even moving the location of rest benches. YRE Sponsoring Club Members must check the trail directions constantly.  You may ask volksmarchers attending your year-round or seasonal events to inform your Club of possible problem areas or changes they have observed to your trail directions while walking, but nothing substitutes for hands-on inspection.

Ken Miles
AVA SC Region Director

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hope All Had A Happy Walking Mothers Day!

THERE IS A NEW AVA EVENT BROCHURE CHECKLIST - Major changes include:  (1)  AVA Special Programs must be listed in the brochure,  (2)  Grid Coordinates of the walk location must be in the brochure (when available),  (3)  YRE/Seasonal Event must now list the host business hours along with any days closed,  (4)   If there is an alternate POC (and there should be one), that person's phone and email address must be contained in the brochure, and (5) brochures must contain statement indicating access to internet resources at  The new checklist is located at


American Volkssport Association
Minutes of a Special Online Meeting
Agenda Item #2-12
April 12, 2012

At the request of the President, Heinz Johnson, a Special Online Meeting of the National Executive Council XVII was held on April 12, 2012.
Special Online NEC Meeting

Introduction of Business:
          "I move that funds be approved to install a new outdoor building sign to identify the location of the AVA National Headquarters."

Summary of Proposed Action:
A building location sign was erected on the front of the building that we occupy for our national headquarters in 1993 at a cost of $1,068. This was a lighted sign (night time) that has fallen into disrepair and it has not been used in many years. Also, two trees have grown up that now completely block the view of the sign from the main street (Pat Booker RD) and the front parking lot.

           Our Acting Executive Director learned in late February that the Universal City Industrial Development Corporation (UCIDC) has a Storefront Improvement Program. The UCIDC will allocate matching funds to help cover the cost of business identification signage.
           To take advantage of this grant, a bid was obtained from a local sign company (FASTSIGNS) to install a new building identification sign and remove our old one for $4809.27. The size of the sign will be 36” (H) x 240” (W) and it will not be lighted. 

            [The] building landlord gave us clearance to install a new sign near the top of the west side of the building that would not be obscured by trees. It will be clearly visible from the street by east bound traffic. Our landlord also told us that we had to bear the costs for any wall repairs and painting once the old sign was removed. This is estimated to be $500 and it is not included in the FASTSIGNS bid estimate.
          Our Acting Executive Director submitted a project application to the UCIDC asking for matching funds for our new sign on 24 February 2012. The UCIDC approved our application on 23 March 2012 for a maximum reimbursement of $2,655. A stated condition is that we must begin actual work within 90-days of their award letter.

          [The] cost for the sign is estimated to be $2654.27. This includes the wall repair estimated cost of $500. Funds for this project will come from our savings account and this expenditure will be treated as an increase depreciation expense for fixed assets.

Submitted By: Heinz Johnson, President

Seconded By: Bob Morrison
The vote was:

    11    Yes (for)
      0    No  (against)
      2    Abstain (Two affirmative votes were received after the voting deadline)

Motion carried.

Bonnie Johnson                                     

AVA Secretary     


Friday, May 4, 2012

Spring Walking!

DON'T FORGET CRYSTAL BRIDGES - From 8:00 to Noon tomorrow, the Ozark Hill Hikers bring us a walk featuring the NEW Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas.  Orchards Park, Bentonville, will be the Start Location and your walk will be rated 1A and meander through wooded areas around and near Bentonville's newest art treasure, Crystal Bridges Museum.  You can even grab lunch in the museum and take a tour after an exhilerating walk!  See you there! 

IVV CERTIFICATION STAMP HANDLING REQUIREMENTSAVA Headquarters has begun to more closely enforce AVA Policies concerning IVV Certification Stamps.   Please handle all IVV Certification Stamps with care or a damage fee of $15.00 will be billed directly to your Club account.  Damage is defined as:

  Stamp handle stained with Excessive Ink
  Writing on IVV Certification Stamp handle with permanent marker
  Holes drilled in the handle
  Labels/Tape left on IVV Certification Stamp handle

     Failure to pay damage fees can also result in delinquencies to Club accounts, which can carry further administrative sanctions for the Club. 

LOUISIANA'S STATE CAPITAL WALK - The Baton Rouge Striders Assn. has ceased to do business and obtained permission from the AVA to close it's YREs, including the Baton Rouge State Capital YRE No. 0628.  Efforts to find another sponsoring Club for that event have been unsuccessful.  Current plans to revitalize the event involve it being sanctioned by the South Central Region Director (ME!).  An event coordinator in Baton Rouge or some close city or town is being sought.  Should you know or have a connection with a person (maybe a walker) in that area, please contact them or put me into contact with them regarding this extremely significant role.  Realizing that the 50/51 (States/Capitals) Program is being devalued by the absence of walks in two State Capitals, I hope each of us feels it important to revitalize the Baton Rouge State Capital Event as quickly and deliberately as possible!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Walking MAY Help!

TAW DEADLINE  - The deadline for the August/September issue of The American Wanderer is June 25.  All articles and photographs should be submitted directly to Laurel Parrott, Editor or mailed to 3526 Humboldt Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55412. Be sure to include "TAW" in the subject line if emailing.

CLUBS NOT UNDER AVA’S GROUP EXEMPTION - There are  many Clubs under a tax exempt organization's exemption or under their own that have not provided proof to the AVA from the parent organization of their exemption or provided their letter of determination from the IRS. This has been a one-time requirement to ensure that all Clubs are in compliance with AVA requirements; not providing this proof may keep the Club from voting at the convention and could cause a late fee for non-compliance with policy.  Should yours be a Club that meets this description of a "free-standing tax-exempt organization," please assure that a copy of the required documentation has been provided to AVA Headquarters and do so as soon as possible.


Monday, April 23, 2012

AVA 2013 Biennial Convention

IT IS OFFICIAL! - The 18th AVA Biennial Convention will be conducted during the period from Saturday, April 27, 2013, to Sunday, May 5, 2013 (the General Membership Meetings to be on Wednesday, May 1st, to Friday, May 3rd)(NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATES), at a Marriott Hotel Property in Orland, Florida.  The Convention Agenda is still under discussion and will likely be finalized during the NEC on July 6th and July 7th, 2012, which will, incidentally, be conducted at a Marriott Hotel Property in Orlando.  Upon the Convention Agenda being finalized, Event Brochures will likely be prepared quickly and hotel reservations, travel arrangements, and Convention Reservations will be in order.

ONCE AROUND THE WORLD - Bruce Kirk of the St. Louis - Stuttgart Volksmarch Club is a walker.  In fact, so great have Bruce's walking experiences been that he has rolled up over 24,950 miles.  Internet sources state that the circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 kilometers).  Hence, Bruce has figuratively been "Once Around the World" at the Equator.  CONGRATULATIONS BRUCE!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekend in Small Town Missouri

3 EVENTS IN AND AROUND SMALL MISSOURI TOWNS - The Missouri (U.S.) Highway 60 Multi-Event Weekend, sponsored by the Dogwood Trailblazers of Joplin, Missouri, promises to take us where we would rarely go, to three small (smaller and smallest) towns in rural Missouri. 
     Saturday morning, things kick off at 8:00 (Start Time open until 11:00 a.m.) at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 320 NW Washington, in the Christian County town of Billings.  An afternoon walk (Start Times from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) on Saturday will be at Ozark Methodist Manor, 205 So. College, Marionville, in Lawrence County and also on U.S. Highway 60.
     There will be a Meet & Greet at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday at the Super 8 Motel, Monett, MO, 201 So. Hess Drive.
     On Sunday morning, April 22nd, at 8:00 to 11:00 a.m., you can start an 11km/7km/5km (rated 2A) walk from Monett City Park, U.S. 60 & Mo 37.
      Beautiful weather is forecast, so get out, join the walking Dogwood Trailblazers, and thank them for all of the work making your weekend much more pleasant!

Click this image to download full resolution walking-man photo free of charge!

CELEBRATE NATIONAL PARKS WEEK, FOR FREE - From April 21st to 29th, all 84 million acres of America's National Park System will be free to explore as parks around the country waive their entrance fees. What better way to celebrate Earth Day and the entire week that follows than to visit some of the most breathtaking and historically significant places in the country? Visit the National Park Service website for events and planning resources.
